Cream of the Cropped

Cream of the Cropped

Fashion trends come and go in an endless cycle. What’s in style from one year to the next is more likely than not recycled trends given new life with fresh, modern styling. Experimenting with trends can be a great way to get creative with your closet and freshen up your personal style. The thing to be conscientious of is only incorporating new trends into your wardrobe that are flattering and fit into your personal style aesthetic. If you invest in a fad trend that doesn’t meet your own fashion rules, chances are the piece will end up in your donate pile by next season, sometimes with the tags still on. That said, some real gems come back onto the pages of Vogue that you never considered before perhaps because you weren’t alive in their fashionable heyday. One of those gems is today’s fad to forever trend: the cropped wide leg pant. Read More

Wearing It Now: Feline Print Mixing

Wearing It Now: Feline Print Mixing

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I went out of my comfort zone on this one. I know the general rules for print mixing: keep to the same base color and team up different sized prints, but I typically shy away from it mostly because it’s a loud, busy aesthetic, and I generally like to have just one statement piece in a look. That said, the paired print looks that I drool over are ones that seamlessly blend together so well they almost create one super print together. Read More