This Week in Fitness

This Week in Fitness

Exercise has always been a big part of my life as a source of personal development and mental and physical health. Especially since becoming a mom, working out has been an absolute necessity for maintaining my energy and sanity. If you’re expecting or are a new mom, check out my my top fitness fundamentals for getting in shape after babies.

The obvious challenge with exercise is finding the time and motivation to get it done. My biggest tools for overcoming desires to skip workouts is making realistic goals and having a firm schedule that makes time for my workouts. If I do my advance work planning out what workouts I’m going to do and when, I take the thinking part out of the equation making it an easier decision to get out of bed in the morning. Beyond resisting the urge to snooze, which takes some serious mental fitness, when I create my own fitness plan I am genuinely excited about my workouts and feel a very strong physical and mental sense of accomplishment when I complete them. I’m a big advocate of pre-programming workouts, and I prefer to schedule out one month at a time. In my experience this practice helps with both creating a well-rounded fitness plan and staying on track with my goals. Read More